Friday 13 December 2013

So I clay-ed again (:

Whooohooo~ The dreaded Mid-Semester Tests are finally OVER and I found time last week to clay! As usual, I didn't have any idea of what to make, just opened my craft cupboard and started digging through stuff to make. I do however, realised that I like to make donuts ALOT. Even though I haven't eaten a single donut in real life for a few years now. It seems like every time I clay, a mandatory donut is necessary. So let the onslaught of photos begin! 

Presenting to you Sebastian and the christmas cookies! "Would you like a piece of cookie to enjoy with your afternoon tea, Ojosama?" 

Each cookie measures less than 1cm 

Close up~ 

Vanilla Cupcake pipped with Buttercream frosting and topped with a sweet pink rose.