It's been awhile since I last clay-ed, and here I am back with a few more pieces! (:
Actually the last time I clay-ed I accidentally burned my works *cries a river*

So here I present to you my perfectly baked pieces! As usual I didn't have much inspiration, just made whatever came to mind!
The first piece I made was this teddy bear cookie dipped in chocolate. I saw something similar from this clay book my friends got for me for my birthday but I modified it a little. As usual, 10c coin pictured together for scale.
Next up! Was looking through my insta feed and came across some Salted Egg Yolk Custard Buns, or otherwise known as Liu Sha Bao (流沙包).
My very pathetic attempt that does the real pau no justice at all T.T
Guess I'll have to practice more on my pau skills...
I think the simpler the item the harder it is to pull off? I mean look at those paus. You'd think its as easy as just rolling out some white clay and TADAH! done.
Moving on...
I bought this packet of bottle caps long ago but never managed to do anything with it, so I decided to make an cherry pie! Was originally going to make apple pie, those with the lattice design on top, as seen in the picture below.
But then I felt it was too much work and got slightly intimidated so I changed my mind, Hahahaha.
So here's my cherry pie!
God knows how many of those tiny little red balls i rolled out
I think its not that bad for a first attempt right??
Lastly, with some new clay I've received for Christmas last year,
I made some pastel coloured macarons!
I'm kinda liking this black and white version
And since we're on a pastel note...
Presenting to you my second attempt of pastel rainbow cake! Made with air dry clay.
Overall, for this batch of clay pieces I've been experimenting with bigger scales, as you can tell. Next time I'll switch to making smaller pieces! I actually like the challenge of making small things, and it saves clay!
Perfect win win situation.
Till next time! <3 MEL
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