Saturday, 25 February 2012

Nope, not clay this time.

Yep, this post is totally polymer clay unrelated. :)

About a month ago, i purchased this Bus felt tissue holder kit from Daiso, and immediately thought of making it for my little brother who's mad about vehicles. But then, I never really had time to complete it until recently (what's with Chinese new year and completing other stuff) and so here's the completed bus!

I filled it up with tissue already~
I was really glad that my brother loved it. Hehe..

In the mean time, I was also trying to finish up this old cross stitch design I started years ago but never completed...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Yes, I'm still alive..

Okay, I feel like I'm kind of neglecting this blog so I've decided that I should update more often! Although as said in previous post, not only am I out of inspiration, I've also become more lazy? I'm the type of person that hates challenges I guess, so when I get stuck on something, I typically will chuck whatever I'm working on to one side, if not, I will just give up on it. Sigh, I better change this attitude of mine. *CHALLENGES HERE I COME*

Okay, enough of the nonsense. :/

A long time ago (okay i think in Jan) I made this miniature tray of cookies 

I made the tray as well (That's why the tray looks funny), from a aluminium sheet I bought long ago. The cookies are made from polymer clay. 

Next up,
My phone deco cover!